Posted in cleaning

Everything has Purpose

Decluttering. This time of year everyone is talking about decluttering, organizing, starting fresh. But how do you know what to get rid of? It can be confusing and honestly exhausting making decision after decision on what to keep, donate and throw away!

I have come up with a scenario that really helps make those decisions easier! At least it works for me. It kinda takes my compassionate side and uses it for my “stuff”!

Everything is created for a purpose. Every pen, every dish, every shirt, every shoe, every animal, and every human. Everything has a reason and a purpose.

"The Lord has made everything for its purpose..." 
~Proverbs 16:4

As you look at your things, consider their purpose. Are they fulfilling it? Are the pair of shoes still in the box, are they fulfilling their purpose? Are they happily doing what they were meant to do? Making their wearer happy and comfortable.

Has the worn T-shirt with the hole in it completed its purpose? If so, it is time to let it go with gratitude.

“If you’re not using the stuff in your home, get rid of it. You’re not going to start using it more by shoving it in a closet somewhere.”
― Joshua Becker

Try to imagine your possessions having life. No, I’m not crazy, they aren’t alive, I know that. But they were made to be used and appreciated and not shunned to live in a box under a bed in a spare room. They are intended to give someone joy. If we shove them under a bed they are not doing their job. We are not allowing them to serve and fulfill their purpose.

In Toy Story 3, Andy no longer plays with his toys and they are put in the attic.  The toys are distraught!  Woody writes a note to Andy (wouldn’t that be great if your things could tell you what and where they want to be?! ) and asks if they could be given to a little girl named Bonnie. Bonnie would love them and give them the attention they deserved.

It may seem silly giving imaginary life to your possessions but it is very helpful in determining what to keep, what to sell, donate and throw away.  Because in this scenario, it’s not just about what you want. It takes some pressure off of you by “asking your things” what they want.  Where are they going to fulfill their purpose? Are you going to use them? Would someone else appreciate them more than you do? Have they served their purpose and need to be gratefully let go? 

…think of your children!!! lol!!

Start looking at everything you have as having “life”, having a purpose, and deserving respect and gratitude.  Changing our mindset in this way about the things we own makes the decision-making process of decluttering so much easier and almost fun! Just think of all the people you can make happy by letting go of things that no longer serve YOU but can be a huge blessing to them!

“The crowds asked him, ‘What then should we do?’ He answered, ‘Whoever has two shirts must share with the one who has none, and whoever has food must do the same.'” ~Luke 3:10-11

Not only will you benefit from a clutter-free home by letting go of the things that are not serving their purpose in your house, but God blesses those that are generous with their belongings. It is a win-win situation!

"Generous persons will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed."
Proverbs 11:25

Give yourself the gift of an uncluttered home, bless someone else with the things that are no longer serving their purpose at your house, and retire those things that are no longer useful.

Happy decluttering!

Elizabeth XOXO