Posted in family, habits and routines, Health, routines

Momma’s….take care of YOU

For the last almost two years my Mom has had dementia. I am sure she has had it for much longer but that is how long my sister and I have been caring for both her and my Dad, who has Alzheimer’s, so that they can stay in their home as long as possible. This is not something that my Mom would have wanted. She was always so strong and smart and could fix anything. She knows she can’t remember and is confused. It’s so sad to see.

We can do so much to prevent dementia! It is not a game of Russian roulette. We can do something about it. The top leading causes of dementia are high blood sugar/diabetes and lack of good quality sleep. Diabetes can also be caused from a lack of good sleep. Poor diet and lack of exercise affects both blood sugar and sleep. More women than men have dementia. That means we have to be even more vigilant to take care of ourselves.

A great read from Dr Amen

If you are into podcasts (I am a podcast junkie!) take a listen to this one on dementia and Alzheimer’s.

When Moms are stressed, frazzled and busy, what is the first thing that will be sacrificed? Sleep. We stay up late to clean, to do extra work we didn’t get done at work, to pay bills or do laundry. There isn’t enough hours in the day so we steal them from our night. Then we go to bed thinking of all the things still left to do and can’t sleep.

We do that because we are sacrificing for our families, for our kids! What we don’t realize at the time is where that wave is going to end up crashing. I am looking at it. This is not what you want for your kids.

It is absolutely vital to our health and our future to take care of ourselves and stop the chaos and stress and get good sleep. It can be done. Maybe not perfectly, but that is ok. Use daily routines to keep things in check and weekly routines to clean without killing yourself. Let your family know what is expected of them. They might grumble now but they will appreciate it later!

I wish my Mom had taken time for herself. I wish she had prioritized her health and happiness and modeled that for me. Unfortunately, I am sure I taught my kids that same thing, that being a mom means taking care of everyone except yourself. I am sorry girls!!

I can’t go back and change it now and neither can my mother, but I can tell you! Your grown up kids in the future are begging you to go for a walk, to do a little laundry everyday, not do it all till 3 in the morning. They want you to go to the dentist. They want you to get a massage and a facial. They want you to go talk to a counselor. They want you to be happy and have good healthy relationships. They want you to sleep in sometimes. They want you to ask them and dad for help. They want you to know that you are really important. They want you to take care of yourself. Please.

I miss you Mom. This is hard.

Momma’s, for the love of your children, take care of you.

